Curriculum Vitae 18-Jan-99


was born as Walter Rosenberg in Topolcany, Czechoslovakia in 1924 as the son of Elias Rosenberg (owner of a steam saw-mill in Jaklovce near Margecany in Slovakia), and Helena nee Grunfeldova of Zbehy, Slovakia. At the age of fifteen he was excluded from the High School (Gymnasium) of Bratislava under the so-called “Slovak State’s” version of the Nuremberg anti-Jewish laws. He worked as a labourer in Tmava until 1942. In March 1942 he was arrested for being Jewish, and on June 14th, 1942, he was deported first to Maidanek and from there he was then transferred to Auschwitz on June 30, 1942. He remained Auschwitz prisoner no. 44070 for almost two years.

He escaped from the Auschwitz death camp (together with Alfred Wetzler) on April 7th, 1944 and under his ·nom de guerre· as Rudolf Vrba he co-authored (with A. Wetzler) the Report on Auschwitz death camps on April 25th, 1944 in Zilina, Slovakia. This report became known in the historiography of the Holocaust as the ·vrba-Wetzler Report• or ·Auschwitz Protocols”, and contains a precise description of: 1-the geography of the Auschwitz annihilation camp; 2-the methodology of the mass murder in gas chambers practiced in Auschwitz already for two years; 3-a history of events that took place in Auschwitz since April 1942. The Vrba-Wetzler Report reached the Governments of the Allies in June 1944.

Rudolf Vrba joined the Czechoslovak Partisan Units in September 1944 and fought until the end of the war in the distinguished unit commanded by Milan Uher (·Hero of the Slovak National Uprising In Memoriamj. He was decorated by the Czechoslovak Medal for Bravery, the Order of Slovak National lnsurection and Order of Meritorious Fighter. After Czechoslovakia was liberated from Gennan occupation, his nom de guerre
, (Rudolf Vrba) was legalized. After W-N II, he studied Chemistry in Prague, graduated in 1949 (Ing. Chem.) and received his doctorate (Dr. Tech. Sc.) in 1951, followed by a post-graduate degree from the Czechoslovak Academy of Science in 1956 (C.Sc.). Since then he has become internationally known as the author of more than fifty original research papers on the chemistry of the brain, as well as for his research work relevant to diabetes and cancer.

In 1951-52 he pursued biochemical research at the Czechoslovak Academy of Science, followed by five years of research work (1953-1958) at Charles University Medical School in Prague in the research team of Professor J. Teyssinger. He later worked as a biochemist at the Ministry of Agriculture in Israel for two years (1958-1960) and then became member of the Research Staff of the British Medical Research Council in London (1960-1967). He was appointed as Associate of the Medical Research Council of Canada (1967-1973), and he also worked for two years (1973-1975) in the United States as Lecturer and Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School. Since 1976 he has been Associate Professor teaching Phannacology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

Rudolf Vrba participated in a prominent way in the production of four films relevant to the history of the Holocaust: (1) “Genocide” (in the “World at War’ series; directed by Jeremy Isaacs, BBC, London, 1973); (2) “Auschwitz and the Allies• (Directed by Rex Bloomstein, in collaboration with Martin Gilbert; BBC, London, 1982); (3) “Shoah” (directed by Claude Lanzmann, Paris, 1985); (4) “Witness to Auschwitz” (directed by Robert Taylor, CBC, Toronto, 1990).
Rudolf Vrba published (in collaboration with A. Bestic) a book of personal recollections on Auschwitz (“I cannot forgive•, London, U.K., 1964 and New York, U.S.A., 1964) which was published in numerous editions also in Gennan (Munich, 1964), French (Paris, 1988), Dutch (Kempen, 1996), Czech (Prague, 1998) and Hebrew (Haifa, 1998). He also published in international journals several studies on various aspects of the Holocaust in relation to Gennan economy, military strategy and medicine. In 1998 the University of Haifa conferred to Rudolf Vrba the title of Doctor of Philosophy Honoris Causa.


FACULTY OF MEDICINE Date Completed 3 September 1993
DEPARTMENT OR SCHOOL Pharmacology & Therapeutics

The regular up-dating of this document is the responsibility of the individual


Name: Rudolf VRBA

Present Rank: Associate Professor

Place of Birth: Topolcany, Czechoslovakia

Date of Birth: September 1924

Citizenship: Canadian (1972)


British Subject by naturalization (1966)

Marital Status: M

Children: 2


a) Undergraduate (where, dates, degree(s) received): Faculty of Chemical Technology, The Czech Technical University(Prague) 1945-49
b} Special Professional (e.g. Internships, Residencies, Specialty Board Qualifications):
Three years postgraduate training (“aspirantura”) in the 1949-52
Department of Fermentation of The Czech Technical Univ. (Prague) and the Department of Physiology of the Czech- oslovak Academy of Sciences, resulted in the theses and degrees as recorded under (c) and (d).
c} Graduate (where, dates, degree(s) received):
Ing. Chem. (Engineer of Chemistry), Czech Technical 1949
University (Prague)•
Dr. Techn. Sc., (Doctor of Technical Science), Czech 1951
Technical University (Prague)
C.Sc. (Candidate of Science), Czechoslovak Academy of 1956
Science (Prague)
d) Titles of theses written for graduate degrees (indicate the degree; name and title of main supervisor for each):

1. Doctor of Technical Sciences (Czech Technical University, Prague, 1951), Title of Thesis: “On the metabolism of butyric acid” Main Supervisor, A. Kleinzeller, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., _Professor of Microbiology & Fermentation; presently at Div. of Graduate Medicine, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.
2. Candidate of Science (Czechoslovak Academy of Science, Prague, 1956), Title of Thesis: “Metabolic changes in brain during physical exercise” Supervisor, J. Teysinger, M.D., D.Sc., Professor of Medicine, Charles University, Faculty of Medicine, Prague.

a) Teaching, professional or re-search positions held prior to U.8.C. appointment (indicate rank
or title, dates and name of institution for each position held):

1945-49 Dept. of Organic Chemistry, Czech Technical University, Prague
1949-51 Dept. of Biochemistry & Fermentation, Czech Technical University, Prague
1951-52 Dept. of Physiology, Czechoslovak Academy of Science, Prague
1952-53 Penicillin Factory, Prague – Roztoky
1953-58 Inst. of Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Diseases, Ministry of Health, Prague
1958-60 Veterinary Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Beth Dagan, Israel
1960-67 British MRC, Neuropsychiatric Research Unit, (Member of Scientific Staff,
b) Date of first appointment at The University of British Columbia: Carshalton, Surrey, U.K.) 1 August 1967
c) Rank at which first appointed: Associate Professor and Associate of Medical Research Council of Canada
d) Subsequent ranks including dates of promotion:
e) Date of granting of Appointment without Term: 1 November 1975
f) Principal University and Department teaching and service responsibilities over the last five years:

Teaching 2nd Year Medical School and Dental School – Pharmacology Course 425
Teaching Pharmacology to Undergraduates and Pharmacology Honours Students, Courses 300, 390, 400, 402
Principal subjects taught:

Anti-malarial agents; Anti-cancer agents; Insulin and oral hypoglycaemics; Sex hormones and oral contraception; Pharmacology of thyroid diseases; Anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and immunosupressive drugs.

g) Record of leaves ot absence (indicate dates, duration, type of leave, and whether paid or unpaid):
October 1973-October 1975; (Visiting Lecturer in the Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Research Fellow in Medicine at the Gastrointestinal Research Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass., USA, 02114)


a) Membership in professional and learned societies (including any offices held, committee memberships, etc.):

British Biochemical Society, 20 Park Crescent, London W1, U.K.
The Author’s Club, 2 Whitehall Court, London, SW1, U.K.
Canadian Biochemical Society
International Society for Neurochemistry (elected full member) Member of Editorial Board, J. Histochem. Cytochem. (1979-1983)
Member of Admission Selection Committee, Faculty of Medicine, UBC (1983-1987)

b) Academic or professional awards and distinctions:

1960-62 Rockefeller Grant for research in Neurochemistry, held at British Medical Research Council, Neuropsychiatric Research Unit, Carshalton, Surrey, U.K.
1968-75 Associate of Medical Research Council of Canada
1993 “Laufberger Medal for Physiology” bestowed by the Czech Academy of Science and Medical Society J.E. Purkinje (Prague)
1998 Doctor of Philosophy, Honoris Causa (University of Haifa)

c) Professional service and experience (consultancies, professional committees, commissions, visiting professorships, invited lectureships, etc.):

1973-75 Visiting Lecturer of Pharmacology, Harvard Medical School and Research Fellow in Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts.

d) Other public service:

1944-45: Served in Czechoslovak Army’s Partisan Units, (Medal for Bravery, Medal of Honor of Czechoslovak Partisan, Order of Slovak National Insurrection).
1972-85: Participated in a prominent way in producing five educational films, each of which was seen by millions of viewers on television and all of which ar:e extensively used world-wide in teaching of Contemporary History. Details are recorded in the enclosed curriculum vitae which includes extramural activities.


a) Areas of special interest and accomplishment in discipline:
(In these areas my papers were published internationally recognized refereed Journals).

1. Metabolism of brain proteins in vivo.
2. Metabolism of glucose in brain and other organs in vivo.
3. Problems related to analysis of the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA).
4. Glycosylation of plasma proteins in vivo. For details, cf. Publication Record.

b) Research or equivalent grants received as principal investigator (indicate date, source, amount and subject):

c) Theses supervised (list only theses for graduate degrees):


cf. enclosed Curriculum Vitae including extramural activities and writings.

Publications Rudolf Vrba

(A)  Full papers published in refereed journals

1. Sorm, F., Tomasek, V. and Vrba, R. On terpenes X. On the synthesis of 2, 6-dimethyl-azulen. Collection Czech. Chem. Com. H:345-353, 1949.
2. Kleinzeller, A. and Vrba, R. On the a-oxidation of n-butyric acid in a soil micro-organism. Chem. Listy : 178-182, (in Czech), 1952.
3. Vrba, R. and Burger, M. Coenzyme A and citric acid formation in Aspergillus ill9.fil, I. Chem. Listy :175-179, (in Czech), 1952.
4. Burger, M. and Vrba, R. Coenzyme A and citric acid formation in Aspergillus ill9.fil, II. Chem. Listy 4,6:303-305 (in Czech), 1952.
5. Vrba R. Beitrag zum Studium des Gehirnmetabolismus in Zusammenhang mit korperlicher Anstrengung. I. Glykogen and Glykolyse. Physiologia Bohemoslov.
.3.:1 22-134 (in German), 1954.
6. Vrba, R. Beitrag zum Studium des Gehirnmetabolismus im Zusammenhang mit korperlicher Anstrengung. II Ammoniak und Glutamin. Physjologia Bohemoslov.
.3.:394-400 (in German), 1954.
7. Vrba, R. Beitrag zum Studium des Gehirnmetabolismus im Zusammenhang mit korperlicher Anstrengung. Ill. Uber Ammoniakbildung und strukturale
Eiweissveranderungen im Gehirn. Physiologia Bohemoslov. 4:397-408 {in German), 1955.
8. Vrba, R. Significance of glutamic acid in metabolic processes in the rat brain during physical exercise. Nature {Lond.), 1.26.: 1258-1261, 1955.
9. Vrba, R. Beitrag zum Studium des Gehirnmetabolismus ini Zusammenhang mit korperlicher Anstrengung. V. Uber die Beteilgung des Glutamins and den Restitutionsprozessen. Physiologia Bohemoslov. .5.:257-268, (in German) 1956.
10. Vrba, R. On the participation of the glutamic acid-glutamine system in metabolic processes in the rat brain during physical exercise. Journal of Neurochemistry1:12-17, 1956. {Part IV of the above series)
11. Vrba, R., Folbergrova, J. and Kanturek, V. Ammonia formation in brain cortex slices. Nature (Lond.), .1.l.a:470-471, 1957.
12. Vrba, R., Folbergrova, J. Endogenous metabolism in brain cortex slices. Nature (Lond.), .182:237-238, 1958.
13. Vrba, R., Folbergrova, J. On the mechanism of ammonia formation in guinea-pig brain slices. Journal of Neurochemistry 2:187-196, 1958.
14. Vrba, R., Folbergrova, J. Formation in vitro of lactic acid and bisulphite-binding substances in brain and other tissues. Journal of Neurochemistry 3:1-8, 1958.
15. Vrba, R., Folbergrova, J. Observations on endogenous metabolism in brain in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Neurochemistry ,4:338-349, 1959.
16. Vrba, R. and Kothary, Kunjlata. The release of ammonia from rat brain proteins during acid hydrolysis. Journal of Neurochemistry 8.:65-71, 1961.
17. Vrba, R. _Glucose metabolism in rat brain in vivo. Nature (Lond.),, 1962.
18. Vrba, R., Gaitonde, M.K. and Richter, D. The conversion of glucose carbon into protein in the brain and other organs of the rat. Journal of Neurochemistry .9.:465-475, 1962.
19. Vrba, R., Bachelard, H.S. and Krawczynski, J. Interrelationship between glucose utilization of brain and heart. Nature (Lond.), 1..9.1:869-870, 1963.
20. Vrba, R. The utilization of glucose in vivo in the mouse. Nature (Lond.), 2.Q2.:247-249, 1964.
21. Bachelard, H.S., Gaitonde, M.K. and Vrba, R. The effect of psychotropic drugs on the utilization of glucose carbon atoms in the brain, heart and liver of the rat. Biochem. Pharmacol. .15.: 1039-1043, 1966.
22. Vrba, R. Effects of insulin-induced hypoglycaemia on the fate of glucose carbon atoms in the mouse. Biochem. J. .9..9.:367-380, 1966.
23. Vrba, R. Assimilation of glucose carbon in subcellular rat brain particles in vivo and the problem of axoplasmic flow. Biochem. J. .1.Qli:927-936, 1967.
24. Vrba, R. and Cannon, W. Molecular weights and metabolism of rat brain proteins. Biochem. J. .1..16:745-753, 1970.
25. Vrba, R. and Winter, A. Movement of [LJ-14c] glucose carbon into and subsequent release from lipids and high-molecular constituents of rat brain, liver and heart in vivo. Canad. J. Biochem . .5.Q:91-105, 1972.
26. Vrba, R. and Winter, A. Amount of 14c assimilated in different organs and tissuesof the rat after a single injection of [U-14c1 glucose. Canad. J. Biochem. 51:93-100, 1973.
27. Vrba, R. and Winter, A. and Epps. L.N. Assimilation of glucose carbon in vivo by salivary glands and tumor. Am. J. Physiol. 226:1424-1427, 1974.
28. Vrba, R., Alpert, E. and lsselbacher, K.J. Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA}: Evidence for multiple antigenic determinants and isoantigens. .Er..Q.Q…Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA} 12:4602-4606, 1975.
29. Vrba, R., Alpert, E. and lsselbacher, K.J. Immunological heterogeneity of circulating carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). lmmunochem. 13.:87-89, 1976.
30. Vrba, R., Alpert, E. and lsselbacher, K.J. and Jeanloz, R.W. Studies on carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA): Effect of carbohydrate and synthetic glycopeptides on CEA competitive inhibition radioimmunoassays. lmmunochem.1.3.:285-287, 1976.
31. Vrba, R. and Adams, S.P. Glycosylation of plasma proteins with [LJ-14c] glucose in vivo. Canad, J. Biochem. .QQ:942-951, 1982.

(B) Contributions to monographs. reviews and short communications presented to various conferences.

32. Kleinzeller, A., Malek, J. and Vrba R. Manometric methods and their application
in biology and biochemistry. 390 pages. Statni zdravotnicke nakladatelstvi v Praze (in Czech), 1954. (Contribution to a monograph.)
33. Vrba, R. A source of ammonia and changes of protein structure in the rat brain
during physical exertion. Nature (Land.) 11.6.: 117-118, 1955. (Letter to Editor.)
34. Vrba, R. K voprosu ob uchastii belkov nervnoi tkani golovnogo mozga v protsese vozbuzhdeniya i tormozheniya. (On the participation of brain proteins in processes
of excitation and inhibition.) Usp. sovr. biol. (USSR), il:321-352 (in Russian) (Review), 1956.
35. Vrba, R. Folbergrova, J. and Kanturek, V. K voprosu obrazovaniya ammiaka v srezach golovnogo mozga. (On the problem of ammonia formation in brain cortex slices.) In Problems of Biochemistry of the Nervous System. A.V. Palladin, Ed., lzd. Akad. Nauk Ukr. S.S.R., Kiev. pp. 154-163 (in Russian), 1957. (Soviet Conference on Neurochemistry, Kiev, 1957).
36. Vrba, R. Amide bonds in the rat brain after acute carbon disulphide poisoning.
In Metabolism of the Nervous System. D. Richter, Ed., Pergamon Press, London, pp. 475-480, 1957. (International Conference on Neurochemistry, Aarhus, Denmark, 1956.)
37. Vrba, R. On the participation of ammonia in cerebral metabolism and function.
Review Czech. Med. :1-26. In Russian: Czechoslov. Med. Obozr. : 1-28, 1957. (Review).
38. Vrba, R. and Folbergrova, J. A comparison of the effect of potassium ions on the metabolism
of retina and brain cortex slices in vitro. Experientia, H: 15-16, 1958. (Short communication.)
39. Vrba, R. and Folbergrova, J. Katabolismus der Nukleinsauren and Ammoniakbildung im Hirngewebe in vitro und in vivo. In symposium of Biochemistry of the Central Nervous System, F. Brucke, Ed., Pergamon Press, London, pp 131-140 (in German), 1959. (International Biochemical Congress, Vienna, 1958.)
40. Vrba, R. and Folbergrova, J. Some aspect of nitrogenous metabolism in brain. In Chemical Pathology of the Nervous System. J. Folch, Ed., Pergamon Press, London, pp. 541-549, 1961. (International Conference on Neurochemistry, Strassbourg, 1958.)
41. Bachelard, H.S., Gaitonde, M.K., Richter, D. and Vrba, R. Effects of reserpine on heart. Lancet ll.fill:1330-1331, 1962. (Short communication.)
42. Vrba, R. and Gaitonde, M.K. Enzymic systems converting carbohydrate into protein in brain and other organs. Acta Neurol. Scand. .3.8.:Suppl.1, 17-18, 1962. (International Conference on Neurochemistry, Goteborg, 1962.)
43. Gaitonde, M.K., Richter, D. and Vrba, R. Utilization of glucose in the rat brain. Biochemical Journal : 105P 1962. (British Biochem. Society, London Meeting 1962).
44. Krawczynski, J., Bachelard, H.S. and Vrba, R. The concentration of glucose arid other reducing substances in tissues of fed and fasting animals. Acta Physiol.Polonica
.15.:309-313, 1964. (Short Communication.)
45. Vrba, R. Glucose metabolism during insulin hypoglycaemia. J. Physiol. .1.1.8.:48p, 1965. (British Physiological Society, London Meeting, 1965.)
46. Vrba, R. and Sheehan, Angela. Assimilation of glucose carbon by various protein fractions of the rat brain and other organs. Biochem. J. .1.llit:30p, 1968. (British Biochem Society, Cambridge Meeting, 1968.)
47. Vrba, R. and Cannon, Wendy. Gel filtration of [U-14c] glucose labelled high-speed supernatants of rat brains. Biochem. J. .1.llit:30p, 1968. (British Biochem. Society, Cambridge Meeting, 1968.)
48. Vrba, R. and Cannon, Wendy. Assimilation of glucose in rat brain and metabolic activity of various groups of brain proteins. In Protein Metabolism of the Nervous System,
A. Lajtha, Ed., Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York, pp.219-237, 1970. (International Neurochem. Conference, New York, 1969.)
49. Vrba, R. Quantitative aspects of assimilation of [U-14c]-glucose carbon in various rat tissues in vivo. Biochem. J. .12..5.:70-71p, 1971. (British Biochem. Society, Sussex University Meeting, 1971.l
50. Vrba, R. Assimilation of glucose carbon in proliferating tissues. Proc. Can. Fed. Biol. Soc. .1.,Q:688, 1972. (Canad. Federation Meeting, Toronto, 1972.)
51. Vrba, R. Zur Problematik des Diabetes Mellitus. Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung. 112:76-77, and Pharmazeutische Zeitung, 1972. (Lecture read at J.W. Goethe University, Franfurt Main, 1972.)
52. Vrba, R., Epps, L.N. and Winter, A. Tumour-specific changes of rate of assimilation of glucose carbon in immunochemically competent plasma constituents.
9th International Congress of Biochemistry. Stockholm, 1973. (International Congress of Biochemistry, Sweden, 1973.)
53. Vrba, R. Alpert, E., lsselbacher, K.J. and Jeanloz, R.W. Competitive inhibition of the carcinoembryonic antigen with monosaccharides, oligosaccharides, and glycopeptides in the radioimmunoassay. Federation Proceedings M:No.3,
573, 1975. (U.S. Federation Meeting, Atlantic City, 1975.)
54. Vrba, R., Alpert, E. and lsselbacher, K.J. lmmunochemical difference between plasma and tumor carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Federation Proceedings M:No.3, 551, 1975. (U.S. Federation Meeting, Atlantic City, 1975.)
55. Vrba, R., Alpert, E. and lsselbacher, K.J. Carcinoembryonic antigen. New Eng.
J. Med. 2.9_3:877-878, 1975. (Letter to the Editor.)
56. Vrba, R. Prominent conversion of glucose carbon into distinct plasma protein fractions in vivo. Proc. Can. Fed. Biol. Soc. 21: 168, 1978. (Canadian Federation
Meeting, London, Ontario, 1978.)

B. List of original articles by Rudolf Vrba relevant to Holocaust studies.

1. Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Wetzler: “The Auschwitz Report of April 1944.” (cf. President F.D.Roosevelt’s Library, New York.War Refugee Board, Box 61.General Correspondence of Roswell McClelland: Camps for Jews in Poland, Washington, DC, USA).

This document presented for the first time in History a precise description of the geography of the Auschwitz death camp, the methodology of the mass murder practiced in Auschwitz since the spring of 1942, and a chronicle of events which took place in Auschwitz until 7th April, 1944. This Report (known in historiography as “The Vrba­ Wetzler Report” and sometimes anonymously as the “Auschwitz Protocols”) reached the Governments of the Allies in June 1944 ( cf Sir Martin Gilbert, “Auschwitz and the Allies”; Holt, Rinehard &Winston, New York,1981)
Clandestine copies of this Report were published in numerous languages in Europe during
1944 and re-published in the eighties and nineties in numerous editions in Czech, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian and Polish languages.
A recent English version was published in: Rudolf Vrba·” I cannot forgive”.pp 279-317
Regent College Publishing, Vancouver, BC, Canada 1997.
An English, German and Polish version with 226 annotations was published by The Auschwitz – Birkenau State Museum, Oswiecim1997 ( “London has been informed”, Henryk Swiebocki, editor).
A German text of the Report and its brief historiography was published by J S Conway ;
“Der Auschwitz-Bericht von April 1944” (Zeitgeschichte v 8, August/September 1981)

2. Rudolf Vrba: “Footnote to the Auschwitz Report.” Jewish Currents (New York), v.20, No.3, pp.22-28, 1966.

3. Rudolf Vrba and Roger Manwell: ” The Camps. An Inside View,” in: “History of the Second World War”, vol.5, pp.2148-2156, 1968. Editor: Sir Basil Liddel Hart. Purnell and Sons, London, U.K

4. Rudolf Vrba: “The Role of Holocaust in German Economic and Military Strategy during 1941-1945.” in: “Remembering/or the Future. International Scholars Conference, Oxford v.2,pp.2263-2273, 1988. Pergamon Press, Oxford, U.K.

5. Rudolf Vrba: “Personal Memories of Actions of SS-Doctors of Medicine in Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II (Birkenau), In: Medical Science without Compassion, Past and Present. pp.15-38, 1992. Editors: Charles Roland, Henry Friedlander and Benno Muller-Hill. Arbeitspapiere-Atti-Proceedings, No.11. Hamburger Stiftung fuer Sozialgeschichte des 20.Jahrhunderts.. Hamburg.

6. Rudolf Vrba: “SS-artsen in Auschwitz.” Nexus, No.6, pp.20-37, 1993. Tilburg, Netherlands.

7. Rudolf Vrba: “Die missachtete Warnung. Betrachtungen ueber den Auschwitz-Bericht 1..2..4..4… Vierteljahrshefte fuer Zeitgeschichte, Heft 1, pp.1-24, 1996.

8. Rudolf Vrba: “Yergebliche Warnung. Bericht ueber eine Flucht aus Auschwitz.” In: Die Erfahnmg des Exils. Exemplarische Rejlexionen. pp. 104-124, 1997. Editors: Wolfgang Benz and Marion Neiss. Metropol, Berlin

9. Rudolf Vrba: “The Preparation for the Holocaust in Hungary. An Eyewitness Account.” In: The Holocaust in Hungary. Fifty Years Later.pp.227-284, 1997. Editors: Randolph L.Braham and Attila Pok. Columbia University Press, New York.
10. Rudolf Vrba: “The Preparation for the Holocaust in Hungary. An Eyewitness Account.” In: The Nazis’ Last Victims. The Holocaust in Hungary.pp.55-102. Editors: Randolph L.Braham and Scott Miller.Wayne State University Press, Detroit, 1998.

C. (List of films on the Holocaust produced with collaboration of Rudolf Vrba).

1. “Die Advokaten des Fejndes” ( a four-hour long film, directed by Werner Rings, Swiss Television, Zurich, 1966).

2. “The Holocaust” (in the World War-II series, a one-hour long film, directed by Jeremy Isaacs, British Broadcasting Corporation, London, 1973).

3. “Auschwitz and the Allies” ( a two-hour long film in collaboration with the historian Sir Martin Gilbert, directed by Rex Bloomstein, British Broadcasting Corporation, London, 1982).

4. ” Survival” (a one-hour long film, directed by N.Downie, British Broadcasting Corporation, London, 1984).

5. “Shoah” ( a nine-hour long film, directed by Claude Lanzman, Paris, 1985).

6. “Witness to Auschwitz”( a 30-minutes long film, directed by Robin Taylor for the series “Man alive” , Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Toronto,1990).


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